
Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

This page displays the Terms and Conditions based on the products and services that are offered by Wmubeauty at www.wmubeauty.com. Please read this page carefully as a guideline for your shopping experience or purchases at www.wmubeauty.com. By ordering, purchasing, or using our services, you are deemed to have understood and accepted our Terms & Conditions below. For the use and disclosure of data and information, you can visit the Privacy Policy page.

Guidelines to Use Our Services or Site

You agree to comply with any guidelines, notices, operating rules and policies, and instructions relating to the use of the service and/or access to the site, as well as any changes to it, issued by us, of time. We deserve to revise the guidelines, notices, operating rules, policies, and instructions at any time, and you are supposed to know and abide by any changes above after its notification or publication of this amendment in the sites or notification through other media.

Terms and Conditions to Use The Site

  1. This website is intended as an access for the benefit of purchasing products, get some information, and the use of other features which are already available on this website.
  2. You may not reproduce, distribute, display, sell, lease, transmit, imitate, translate, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, or exploit this site unless expressly permitted from us.
  3. You are not allowed to abuse the use of this site for commercial purposes of any information provided, without any permission from us.
  4. We reserve the right to reject and dismiss accounts, orders, and services if there are illegal or harmful behaviors in our interest.
  5. We provide content on this site for informational purposes. Submissions or opinions expressed on this site may be the expression of the site users and may not reflect our opinion.
  6. We are not responsible or liable for any claims, damages, or losses that come from the users.
  7. You may be given a password to access your account and some parts of this site. You can use this site with your account following the terms and conditions that had been applied.
  8. You are responsible for protecting the security and confidentiality of your account. If at any time there is a change of your account without your permission, please immediately notify us to increase the account security.
  9. Based on the points above, you agree that you will not help others to send, upload, distribute, store, create, or use this site for:
    a) Content that encourages all forms of crime, either in the local, national or international laws. It applied to laws that regulated intellectual property and other proprietary rights.
    b) Imitate or impersonate yourself as another person, affiliation, or business.
    c) The obscene, vulgar, offensive, defamatory, deceptive, falsifying, or pornography content.
    d) Using the service of this site for commercial or non-personal.
    e) Collecting personal information from this site without permission.
    f) Destructive operation of the service by uploading a virus, worm, or other malicious code.
    g) Selling or transfer your account, profile, or items associated with the service.

By reading these terms and conditions, you hereby agree to:

  1. Always access and/or use the services only for lawful purposes, and in a lawful manner and further agrees to undertake activities related to service in good faith; and
  2. Ensuring that any information or data that you provide/announcement/post or raised in connection with the service platform is accurate and agrees to be responsible for information and data.

If you break the points above and can be involved in a crime under applicable law, we may report your actions as violations, and reveal your identity to the authorities.


Terms and Condition of Sales

  1. All orders are sold depend on availability and confirmation of the specified price.
  2. Delivery may be variated according to the capabilities of expedition services, along with their policies for sending orders to the specific area.
  3. As for matters related to delivery delays or force majeure is not our responsibility. Our responsibility was stopped when we delivering your order to the shipping service that you chose before.
  4. Wmubeauty has the authority to refuse your bookings if at any time some things are detrimental.
  5. If your order was received, we will notify you via email that your order has been registered in our system and is awaiting payment. We will also inform you via email about the details and methods of payment that you must do. Make sure that you have entered the data correctly and accurately, from an authorized user credit card or debit card, the address, the order following your wishes, and make sure you have sufficient funds to pay your orders.
  6. The cost of products and services may fluctuate by the company’s policies. All prices may change and we may not always notify you about it.

Sales and Purchase Method

When you make an order, you will receive an email confirmation that your order is awaiting payment. The email is merely confirmed and does not constitute the final stage of your orders.
This stage requires you to make the payment, and after you complete your payment, we will send you an email confirmation that your payment has been received. At this stage, your booking will be sent to you. Only the items listed in the email will be sent to you.
For further information about shipping orders, including the addresses, shipping cost, packaging cost, operational cost, and the delivery estimation, you can visit the Shipping Policy page.

Price and Availability of Products

All details, description, availability, and price of the products on this website is accurate. Mistakes might happen, but we always strive for them can be avoided.
If there are errors in the site development related to product availability, we will inform you immediately. We will also give you the option, to specify your order or cancel your order.
If you cancel it and you have paid for your orders, you will receive a full refund. The shipping fee will be charged extra for all amounts shown unless your orders qualify for free delivery to your region.


After receiving an order, you will receive an order confirmation through email, that requires you to make a payment. At this step, you have to make payments according to the payment method you choose at the booking stage. Please note, at this time your order has not been processed and still waiting.

Once we receive the funds right from you, we will confirm your order and send you an email indicating that your order will be sent immediately. Orders shipped 1-2 business days after you received the payment confirmation email, with estimated delivery time by your location.

Discount and Promo Codes

Wmubeauty may offer discount codes or promo codes. You can use the codes that are offered if you meet the terms and conditions. Purchasing products with discount or promo codes will be aligned with the provisions of the code, starting from cashback, discounts, shipping, free products, and so on. The discount or promo codes are not transferable and not redeemable for cash, and it is valid only on this site.


  1. All results and testimonials about the products of Wmubeauty overall is feedback from customers or site visitors.
  2. Please read first all product information such as labeling, ingredients, and instructions for use, because the complaints that are caused by allergic or sensitivity to certain content is not the responsibility of Wmubeauty. Stop the use in case of a bad reaction or irritation.
  3. Consult with Wmubeauty for selecting the right products according to the problems of your skin.
  4. The results of each individual’s use can be different because the skin type and condition of each individual are equally different.

Risk of Loss

All items purchased from www.wmubeauty.com are manufactured, processed, and shipped following the delivery contract. It means that the risk of loss or damage will become your responsibility after we deliver it to you.

For more information about the terms of exchange or refund of products, you can visit the Return Policy page.

Connecting to Our Homepage

You are allowed to provide a link to our home page, www.wmubeauty.com. With the note, the provision of that link is done with a fair and legal, and does not aim to damage the reputation or taking advantage unilaterally. You may not fully provide a link to the home page, but the other parts are contained on this site. In this case, we reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without prior notice to you if there are things that are proven to have been violated or not according to regulations.

Terms & Policies

Kebijakan Penggunaan

Selamat datang di website resmi wmubeauty, www.wmubeauty.com. Kami menghargai privasi Anda dan tentunya, kami akan menjaga informasi pribadi Anda dengan sebaik-baiknya. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, pada halaman ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana kami menggunakan data Anda.

Silakan baca kebijakan ini dengan seksama untuk pengungkapan yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan layanan. Untuk syarat dan ketentuan penggunaan, silakan kunjungi halaman Terms & Condition.

Pengungkapan dan Penggunaan Data

  1. Kami tidak akan mengungkapkan informasi pribadi Anda kepada pihak lain, kecuali hal tersebut menjadi bagian dari pemberian pelayanan kami kepada Anda. Misalnya, mengatur pengiriman barang yang akan dikirim kepada Anda, pemeriksaan keamananan, melakukan kredit, penelitian profil pelanggan, yang mana di dalamnya kami memiliki wewenang untuk melakukannya
  2. Dengan mengunjungi situs ini, Anda dapat menyetujui hal-hal yang dijelaskan dalam kebijakan privasi ini.

Perubahan Persyaratan Penggunaan

Wmubeauty memiliki kebijakan untuk memodifikasi, mengubah, menambah atau mengganti salah satu dari data-data yang dimasukkan tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, apabila diperlukan. Wmubeauty juga dapat membatasi fitur atau layanan tanpa pemberitahuan. Jika terdapat perubahan, Wmubeauty akan mengubah kebijakan ini yang bisa Anda periksa kapan saja. Pada beberapa kasus, kami mungkin akan mengirimkan notifikasi kepada Anda mengenai perubahan pada akun pribadi Anda

Penghapusan Konten Pelanggaran

Situs ini memiliki hak untuk menghapus atau mengembalikan konten yang Anda posting, jika hal tersebut melanggar pedoman kami. Contoh-contoh konten tersebut seperti konten yang cabul, vulgar, provokatif, tidak akurat, menyinggung, memfitnah, menipu, pornografi, atau terkait spam. Kami tidak memiliki kewajiban untuk mempertahankan atau memberikan salinan konten apapun, dan kami tidak menjamin kerahasiaan berkenaan dengan konten Anda.

Lisensi Hak Cipta

  1. Semua konten yang ada di dalam situs ini, seperti teks, grafik, logo, gambar, tulisan, klip audio, ikon, digital download, perangkat lunak, hingga data adalah milik Wmubeauty atau pemberi lisensinya yang dilindungi oleh undang-undang hak cipta yang berlaku. Penyusunan semua konten di situs ini adalah eksklusif milik Wmubeauty dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang hak cipta yang berlaku.
  2. Semua perangkat lunak yang digunakan pada situs ini adalah milik Wmubeauty atau pihak pengembang perangkat lunak yang dilindungi oleh undang-undang hak cipta yang berlaku. Semua hak-hak tersebut dilindungi oleh Wmubeauty  beserta lisensinya. Anda dapat menyimpan, mencetak, menampilkan konten yang disediakan hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi Anda, bukan untuk kepentingan publikasi, komersil, reproduksi, atau manipulasi dalam format apapun.
  3. Anda tidak diperbolehkan memodifikasi, menerjemahkan, menguraikan, membongkar, atau membuat karya turunan berdasarkan perangkat lunak atau dokumentasi yang disediakan oleh Wmubeauty dan pemegang lisensinya.

Akun Anda

  1. Ketika Anda mendaftar untuk layanan, Anda mungkin akan diminta untuk log in dengan memberikan password untuk akun Anda. Pastikan Anda menyimpan password rahasia setiap saat.
  2. Kami berhak untuk memperkuat akun Anda dengan menyarankan Anda mengubah sandi jika kami merasa password Anda tidak lagi aman
  3. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian atau kerusakan yang timbul dari hilangnya password.
  4. Anda bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga kerahasiaan akun dan password untuk membatasi akses ke perangkat Anda. Anda setuju untuk menerima tanggung jawab atas semua aktivitas yang terjadi di dalam akun atau password Anda. Jika usia Anda masih berada di bawah usia 18 tahun, Anda dapat menggunakan situs ini hanya di bawah pengawasan orang tua atau wali. Wmubeauty berhak menolak layanan, memberhentikan akun, menghapus atau mengedit konten, atau membatalkan pesanan dalam kebijakannya tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya kepada Anda.

Situs Pihak Ketiga dan Situs Terkait

Situs ini mungkin berisi link ke situs pihak ketiga lainnya. Kami tidak mengontrol atau mengoperasikan salah satu situs terkait tersebut, dan Anda setuju bahwa kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas isi dan penggunaan situs terkait tersebut. Akses dan penggunaan situs terkait termasuk informasi, bahan, produk, jasa ataupun konten lainnya tersedia melalui situs terkait dan semata-mata merupakan resiko Anda.

Batasan Tanggung Jawab

Konten yang ditampilkan di situs ini disediakan tanpa jaminan, kondisi, atau garansi. Terkait konten, Wmubeauty tidak bertanggung jawab untuk kerugian langsung, tidak langsung, insidental, konsekuensial, menghukum atau kerusakan khusus apapun yang timbul dari penggunaan, ketidakmampuan untuk menggunakan, kesalahan, kelalaian terhadap isi dan fungsi situs ini.

Hukum yang Berlaku

Jika Anda memilih untuk mengakses situs ini dari luar Indonesia, Anda akan melakukannya atas keinginan Anda sendiri dan akan bertanggung jawab untuk mengikuti peraturan hukum yang berlaku di wilayah tersebut. Adapun kebijakan mendasar ketentuan penggunaan akan diatur sesuai dengan hukum Indonesia, tanpa mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip konflik hukum.

Ganti Rugi

Dengan adanya kebijakan privasi ini, Anda mengerti dan menyetujui bahwa Anda secara pribadi bertanggung jawab atas perilaku Anda menggunakan website Wmubeauty. Anda setuju untuk mengganti kerugian, klaim, biaya, kerusakan, atau biaya pengacara yang wajar, jika terdapat kerusakan, pelanggaran, penyalahgunaan, atau ketidakmampuan menggunakan situs ini sebagaimana mestinya.

Kepemilikan Merek Dagang, Nama, Gambar Orang, Hak Cipta Pihak Ketiga

Semua orang (termasuk nama dan gambar), merek dagang dan gambar produk pihak ketiga, jasa, logo, dan lokasi yang yang ditampilkan dalam situs ini merupakan milik pihak yang berkaitan dan berafiliasi dengan Wmubeauty. Wmubeauty secara tegas menyatakan bahwa situs ini memiliki perizinan yang resmi untuk menampilkan merek dagang, nama, gambar orang, serta hak cipta pihak ketiga.

Mempertahankan Hak

Jika Anda melanggar apapun tentang Ketentuan Penggunaan ini dan kami tidak mengambil tindakan, kami dapat mempertahankan semua hak kami dalam situasi lain untuk mengusut pelanggaran yang terjadi.

Shipping Policy


wmubeauty collaborates with JNE and J&T Express to deliver products to all regions of Indonesia. The shipping costs are adjusted by the amount and type of orders as well as the coverage area of the destination. To be noticed, all the prices shown are already including service of packing and handling.

Tracking Order Service

To maximize the monitoring delivery, on this website, Avoskin provides a Tracking Order Menu that serves you to track the process of shipping products that have been ordered. You just simply insert the order ID on the form (you will get it after the checkout process is complete).

Through this service, we make sure that the delivery product of wmubeauty is guaranteed safe and satisfactory.

Furthermore, you will also receive shipping receipt information via email automatically from our system. Email receipts can be tracked in 1×24 hours since the email was received.

Estimated Cost and Delivery Time

The shipping fee for your order may be seen on the payment page after completing the address in the billing details.

Once payment is confirmed, the ordered products will be processed immediately to be forwarded to the destination address. If there is a peak in orders, delivery will be made a maximum of H + 2 after payment has been confirmed. Shipments made on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays will be processed the next day or business days. The estimated delivery time depends on the shipping service used.

The Provisions Shipping Address

Products that have been ordered will be delivered based on the address entered during the order process. If you want to change your delivery address, you can use the chatbox feature available on the Avoskin website, or contact our customer service via Whatsapp: +62 888-9964-308 or via email: hello@wmubeauty.com . The change of shipping address may be submitted within 4 hours of the confirmed payment.

Issues related to late delivery or force majeure after wmubeauty has submitted an order to the consignor and the receipt number is not the responsibility of wmubeauty.

Return Or Exchange Policy

Terms of Returns

You may request the return or exchange of any product if the product received is:
1. Production defects
a) Product is dirty in packaging and contents.
b) The color of the product is not within the standard.
c) The product is smelly.
d) The product viscosity/dilution level does not comply with the standard.
e) The pump does not work.

  1. The packaging is damaged The packaging is damaged or defective, leading to several consequences, including:
    a) The product is leaking.
    b) The package is partially or fully dented.
  2. Error in delivering the product by Wmubeauty.
  3. Excess or an insufficient number of products received The amount of items received does not match the order.

Product Returns Procedure

To submit a product return or exchange, you must claim Wmubeauty customer service a maximum of 2 days from the time the product is received, including photo or video evidence that shows an error/damage to the product sent by Wmubeauty. You can wait for a response from our team as a sign of whether or not your return request is approved. If the request for returning or exchanging products is approved, our customer service will provide a product return form that you can fill in according to true and accurate information.

After filling out the form, you can send the product to be exchanged or returned to us by attaching the product return form attachment. Without this form, we will not accept product returns or exchanges. Return of this product can be done no later than 2 days after filling out the product return form.

If we have received the returned product and have passed the check by the Wmubeauty Quality Control team, we will immediately send a replacement product or product shortage, as well as a refund process to the customer.

Product Returns Cost

You can choose a payment method with COD (Cash On Delivery) when shipping the product you would like to exchange or return. In this way, the cost of returning products and shipping replacement products from us is entirely covered by Wmubeauty.

Product Returns Time Estimation

The complaint process is a maximum of 7 business days.

Customer Service

Contact Us

We firmly believe in doing everything we can to ensure our customer’s satisfaction. If you need to get in contact with us, have questions about purchasing, would like to order over the phone, or maybe just want to get some first-hand beauty advice, then please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re ready to help. Read our FAQ to get our information or fill the form and we’ll give a response within 24 hours.

Q1.Cara Berbelanja di WMU Beauty ?

Berbelanja di WMU Beauty sangatlah mudah, silhakan klik menu Shop, pilih Produk-produk yang anda butuhkan, Checkout, Transfer ke Rekening, Konfirmasi, Tunggu produk yang anda pesan sampai ke tempat anda.

Selain itu dapat pula memesan di jaringan e-commerce kesayangan anda.

Q2. Bagaimana Jadi Reseller?

Reseller adalah program afiliasi dari WMU Beauty, reseller dapat mengentahui cara dan apa saja keuntungannya dengan cara, klik tautan menu Reseller

Q3. Dimana saja Bisa membeli produk ini ?

WMU Beuaty adalah suatu Branch Kosmetik Local yang sudah tercatat di BPOM dengan sertifikat Halal. Selain dapat di beli di Web site wmubeuaty.com , dapat pula di temukan di e-Commerce :

  • JD.ID
  • Shopee
  • Lazada
  • Tokopedia
  • BukaLapak
  • Blibli

How To Order

1. Visit Wmubeauty’s Official Website

Visit www.wmubeauty.com on your browser device.

2. Choose The Product

Select the Product menu to view our catalog. Click Wmubeauty’s products that you want to buy, and specify the amount.

3. Add To Cart

Enter the number of items of your choice and click on ‘Add to Cart’.
You can return to the Product page if you want to order more Wmubeauty products within a single transaction.

4. Review Your Order

If you have completed your order, make sure that the product in the shopping cart is correct.
Then click on ‘Proceed to checkout’.

5. Check Out

Complete your personal details and shipping address, then choose the shipping service you want, and choose a payment method on the same page.
You can enter the coupon code (if applicable) into the Enter Coupon Code field and then click Apply Coupon. After that, click ‘Pay Now’.

6. Payment

Make payment immediately through the payment option you select. Please do the payment within 12 hours after the product is ordered, or your order will be canceled automatically by our system.


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